Army of Cumberland, Black (USCT) Infantry’s

 (Courtesy of Harold Washington Library, Army of the Cumberland, Special  Collections)

The Army of the Cumberland was formed on October 24, 1862, when Union Major General William Starke  Rosecrans was assigned command of the new department. General Rosecrans was charged with restoring Middle and East Tennessee to Union control. On August 27, 1863, General Rosecrans advised Bridiger General Johnson, Military Governor of Tennessee, "I wish to place under your orders the building of the Northwestern Railroad; it is probable we can spare you Colonel Thompson, and the 1st and 2nd Regiment Colored Troops to be employed on the line."

(USCT) Infantry’s included;

12th (USCT) Infantry - Commanded by COL. Thomas
13th (USCT) Infantry-
14th (USCT) Infantry- Commanded by COL. Thomas Jefferson Morgan
